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How much does a ping pong table cost?

Look at your budget

When you are looking for a new table tennis table, you will soon find out that there are many different table tennis tables available in just as many different price ranges.

Because there is so much choice, it is important for yourself that you know how much you need ping pong table would like to issue. In short, which table suits your budget.

Different types of

In general, the average cost of a good quality table tennis table is between €250 and €2.000. It is clear that not all ping pong tables are the same, so for convenience we make a subdivision, with corresponding indicative prices.

There are actually 4 types of ping pong tables:

And then of course there are mini ping pong tables, which do not have the usual size, but are mainly chosen when there is no room for a full-fledged table tennis table.

Materials Indoor and Outdoor

Indoor table tennis tables are used in indoor spaces, such as homes and offices. Outdoor table tennis tables are used for outdoor environments, such as backyards and patios. Due to the difference in use, there is also a difference in the materials used.

Because outdoor table tennis tables are constantly outside in the sun and rain, outdoor tables are manufactured with durability in mind. For example, a special coating is applied and the playing field is often made of a different material, so that it does not warp.

All this explains the difference in price between indoor and outdoor table tennis tables. Outdoor table tennis tables are usually more expensive than indoor table tennis tables, although of course the price difference also depends on the version/model.

Professional Table Tennis Tables

What do we mean by professional table tennis tables? These are tables that are used (inter)nationally by associations and by federations for organizing competitions and tournaments.

The real professional table tennis tables have a quality mark from a national table tennis association, or from the International Table Tennis Association (ITTF). The moment a table tennis table has been approved by the ITTF, the table has passed all inspections and you will find the logo of the ITTF on the table tennis table.

An example of this is the ITTF approved Heemskerk Novi 2400 (available with a green and blue playing field). This competition table tennis table is for playing table tennis, so the best there is. In the Netherlands, many Eredivisie matches are played on it.

Professional table tennis tables

Design table tennis tables

Then there are design table tennis tables. These are ping pong tables that have to look good and therefore look a bit different from the usual models. The design comes first, then comes the fun. You choose this table as an eye-catcher.

Costs Ping pong table

Now that we have listed all the different types of ping pong tables, we can give guide prices per category below.

Type of table tennis table price from price to
Mini Ping Pong Table € 60, - € 130, -
Indoor table tennis table € 250, - € 600, -
Outdoor table tennis table € 550, - € 2.000, -
Professional table tennis table € 800, - € 1.000, -
Design table tennis table € 1.300, - € 5.000, -